Mbungculu’s opinion on the proposed Central SRA:
I think this is good initiative. It will take time to see the benefits but once implemented, I’m sure us property owners will reap the fruits by 2022. But also the property owners should play their role by tightening the rules when letting their property to tenants by not allowing squatting and getting rid of the riffraff asap before the good tenants decide to move & leave for Summerstrand, Humewood, etc.
I also want to take an opportunity to give credit to NMB for rejuvenating their buildings within Central e.g. Tramways, Little Theatre, Opera House etc. Now what I would like to see more is events, workshops, seminars, art, so the rest of P.E can know that Central is safe and alive again. Get the university students involved, young & experienced entrepreneurs investing in this city that has a lot of potential.
A good example that this is possible, would be Braamfontein, Johannesburg.
This needs to done with great urgency before Bay West City grows.
Mbungculu is a proud Central Resident in Castle and can be contacted here: https://twitter.com/mbungculu.